Some notable published studies, clinical trials and systematic reviews for the Malawi Developmental Assessment Tool

Examples of some notable studies that have used MDAT (2019-present) Elias C. Nyanza, Francois P. Bernier, Jonathan W. Martin, Mange Manyama, Jennifer Hatfield, Deborah Dewey, Effects of prenatal exposure and co-exposure to metallic or metalloid elements on early infant neurodevelopmental outcomes in areas with small-scale gold mining activities in Northern Tanzania, Environment International, Volume […]
MDAT IMPACT (More info.)

Poor child development affects over half of all children globallyleading to poor future human capital. Goals now set by United Nations strive to address this (SDG 4.2.1) but agencies are hindered by available tools to measure change. Most tools are costly, culturally inappropriate and complex. Malawi Developmental Assessment Tool (MDAT) is currently used […]
MDAT IDEC Child Development Monitoring Tool

What is MDAT IDEC? The MDAT IDEC Child Development Monitoring Tool is a simple version of the MDAT, which has been created with data from over 8,000 children from several African countries. Items that are most valid and identify children as having developmental delays at certain ages have been chosen to create a simple tool […]